ART 101
When an artist creates a piece it has intrinsic value based off of the price point the artist sets. That price is just an appreciating variable. This means that the price appreciates as the Artist notoriety builds. That’s one factor. It also appreciates as the piece itself is exhibited and it’s notoriety builds. Also as the art ages the price appreciates, and also if the artist goes to glory the piece appreciates. A piece your purchase for $3000 can easily be worth $10000 in five years. An artist can call you and say that piece you purchase is five years ago is now worth 5X more just like the stock market and is a tax write. So if you know an Artist, just know you are looking a source of investments. The average human purchases 80% consumables which are liabilities and have no value at the moment of purchase. Treat your emerging Artist as an Asset. Your money will return, and Art believe it or not is calculated in your net worth. Thank you to those who have invested! Both publicly and private.